Marco Perella's Film Actor Workshops

Acting Workshops for adults and teens

Take one workshop at a time or sign up for a series, your choice.

No long commitments.

  • 2 or more scenes from actual films & TV shows for every actor every workshop
  • Recorded for home viewing
  • Special time spent on Blocking, Props, and Audition skills
  • New scenes every week: Drama, Comedy, Thrillers, RomCom, Monologues...

We Cover Everything!

In-Person Group Workshops

Live 3:30-5:30

$40 each or 3/$100

First Street Studios

701 Tillery

Austin, TX

Online Workshops

Tuesdays 6:30-7:30

$20 per workshop

Reserve Your Spot!

February Schedule with Workshop Themes

Sun. February 9 Acting is Living “How to be in the moment and make your character LIVE realistically through instinctive improv”.

Instructor - Marco Perella

Marco Perella has made his living as an actor for over 40 years and has been an acting coach for 35. He has played over 100 principal roles in film and TV programs, and has worked with directors like Oliver Stone, John Sayles, Clint Eastwood, and Richard Linklater.

More Info At:



Marco Perella's Film Actor Workshops

Built by Morning Owls